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Reptiles have very specific nutritional needs and face unique healthcare concerns when compared to conditional pets such as cats and dogs. Understanding how to prevent illnesses from occurring whilst also recognising the signs of common ailments is a key part in providing good reptile care.
There are a few common ailments that those involved in reptile care should know about and be able to recognise.

Common Ilnesses: About


Mouth rot happens when the reptile's immune system fails and the animal is no longer able to maintain the usual balance of bacteria in their mouth, this disease can affect all reptiles.

Early warning signs:

  • Red or swollen oral tissue

  • Loss of appetite


Mites tend to gather around a reptile's eyes and crevices of their scales. If left untreated, mites can cause:

  • Anaemia

  • Dehydration

  • Lethargy (state of tiredness, weariness, fatigue or lack of energy)

You may be able to spot these parasites before your reptile becomes symptomatic, so make sure you examine the animal for small black dots and take immediate steps if you see them. This may include quarantining your animal and completely cleaning out their enclosure.


The ailment affects almost all reptiles but it is rare in snakes and it can be very serious.

Symptoms include:

  • Limping

  • Bowed Limbs

  • Hard Lumps

  • Decreased appetite

Causes may be an imbalanced diet or inadequate exposure to UVB rays. If it is caught early enough then it is easily cured with dietary and lifestyle changes, however if this is left untreated then it can be fatal.


Like most other household pets, reptiles are susceptible to developing respiratory infections such as pneumonia.

Symptoms include:

  • Difficulty breathing

  • Wheezing

  • Discharge from mouth or nose

Seek veterinarian care as soon as any of these symptoms rise, you may also want to consider cleaning out your reptiles enclosure to make sure there are no unsanitary environmental conditions.

Common Ilnesses: Inventory


While you can not prevent all illnesses from happening there are steps you can take to keep the reptile in care as healthy as possible. 

Steps you can take to keep your reptile healthy are:

  • Keep the enclosure clean

  • Follow all dietary recommendations

  • Watch for signs of illness, and, if necessary visit a vet or herpetologist immediately.

  • Conduct health check often

  • Mae sure you keep up with regular vet or herpetologist appointments

Common Ilnesses: Welcome


Between visits to the vets you should conduct your own health checks. 

Pay specific attention to:

  • Activity levels

  • Behaviour changes

  • Posture

  • Responsiveness

  • Gait

  • Colour

  • Appetite

  • Hydration

  • Urine and stool production

  • Swelling or the presence of lumps

Any changes should be noted and discussed with your vet as soon as possible as they may be a sign of a greater medical issue.

Common Ilnesses: About

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