Eublepharis Macularis
The leopard gecko has been bred in captivity for over 30 years in the UK. All leopard geckos are captive bred and they are one of the most common kept lizards kept today. These hardy geckos come in a variety of colours, patterns and sizes. They are a great species for your home and are friendly dinosaurs in little packages.

Captive bred leopard geckos can be found in most pet shops, reptile shows and private breeders online. Many of which have their own website where you can learn about, select and purchase your own leopard gecko. They range in price anywhere between £30-£200 but there are some rare specimens that can exceed this price limit.

Leopard geckos are long lived compared to some reptiles. On average you can expect your gecko to live for 6-10 years if cared for properly, but many males live for 10-20 years.

Babies (hatchling) are around 3-4 inches.
Female (adults) are typically 7-8 inches.
Males are around are 8-10 inches.

In general, do not handle your gecko on a regular basis until they are completely settled in and are more than 6 inches in length. Once your gecko is long enough, it's best to sit on the floor, and your gecko crawl through loose fingers and hand over hand for 10-15 minutes per day until they are accustomed to your touch. This taming process usually takes around 5-7 days (could be more, could be less). Never hold the gecko's tail because you may cause it to drop their tail. If it does get dropped then it should regenrate in 40 days.
A 2.5ft glass enclosure for one gecko will be ok from hatchling to adult. It is not recommended that these geckos be housed together as you run the risk of fighting, even with 2 females. If you put your gecko into a larger enclosure then it tends to stay away from it's proper heat and hides. Although visibility is reduces, many people use plastic tubs as hides. Any housing you decide to use should be at least 1ft high and be sure to provide good ventilation. A hide tub filled with sphagnum moss should be provided as this hide will be moist, which should aid your gecko with shedding. Along with the moss hide, you should have a hide on the hot side and one on the cool side. (this will be further discussed in later in lighting and heating). Live or artificial plants should be provided for enrichment and for good husbandry.
The best way to heat your leopard gecko is by using a heat mat. These are available from most pet shops and online stores. Heating one side of the enclosure is best, place the heat mat under the enclosure to one side to make this the hot side. This will allow for temperature variation that your leo needs. Heat rocks tend to get too hot for leopard geckos and they should be avoided due to the risk of burns. For viewing your gecko, a simple low wattage light can be placed overhead on the screen top or fixed inside on the roof if your using a wooden vivarium and this should only be left on for 12 hours a day. Because most leopard geckos are most active at night (notice their vertical pupils) they do not need to bask under a special UVB light. The ideal temperature in the moist hide should be 88-90.F at all times. The ambient air temperature of the room they're housed in should be above 73.F.

This is a business owned by a young man in Crawley who breeds some of the best geckos in each and every season. He's an extremely nice young man who has worked closely with me to check every part of my information and even provided me with some pictures of his gecko's (all of them above). If you are wanting a leopard gecko then he's your man.