Chamaelo calyptratus
Originally from Saudi Arabia and Yemen in the Middle east, the veiled chameleon is also known as the Yemen chameleon. this chameleon is a relatively large chameleon species that is well suited for the first time chameleon owner. While it's native range may produce images of dry deserts, the veiled chameleon actually lives among coastal mountain slopes that experience significant rainfall or in slightly more arid valleys with year round water and vegetation. More recently, the veiled chameleon has been introduced and established small populations on the islands of Maui in Hawaii and in Florida.

It is best to keep veiled chameleons individually in their enclosures after they reach sexual maturity at around to 8-10 months of age, to avoid potential stress and fighting. They do best in screen sided enclosures because of the high amount of air flow. Glass aquariums, on the other hand, are difficult to find in the appropriate sizes, and they create stagnant air which can lead to upper-respiratory infections. Repti breeze enclosures are the best.
For adult veiled chameleons, bgger is better as far as their enclosures are concerned. The ideal cage for an adult male would be 2 feet wide by 2 feet long by 4 feet tall. Females can be kept in screened enclosures measuring about 18 inches long by 18 inches deep and 3 feet tall.
If you are purchasing a baby or a juvenile, it is best to start with a small enclosure and then move up to a larger cage when the chameleon gets older. Babies and juveniles can be kept in smaller screened enclosures measuring 16 inches long by 16 inches deep and 30 inches tall until they are approximately 8-10 months old, at which they'll need to be moved into one of the larger enclosures mentioned previously.
The interior of a veiled chameleon's enclosure should be furnished with medium sized vines and foliage for the chameleons to hide in. The vines provide important horizontal perches, and your chameleon will rest, bask and travel upon them. Synthetic plants with plastic leaves (not silk) can be used together with common non-toxic plants such as Fiscus, Schefflera, Hibiscus and Pothos; these live plants will provide cover and also help to maintain humidity within the enclosure. I do not recommend any type of particle substrate for the bottom. Such substrates may result in impactation if it is accidentally ingested and also can provide a hiding place for any uneaten feeder. The substrate may also harbour bacteria and fungus. The floor of the enclosure can be kept bare or covered with a layer of paper towels, instead, which should be changed regularily,

Veiled chameleons need two forms of light for approximately 12 hours a day. First, they will need a light that will serve as a heat source, so they can bask and regulate their body temperature. Heat rocks, heat tape, ceramic heat emitters and other similar heating devices will not provide them with a heat source that they will recognise, so it is important to provide them with a basking spot using a heat bulb and an incandescent fixture. They also need lighting that will provide UVB, to ensure proper calcium absorption and avoid conditions such as metabolic bone disease. This can be provided by natural sunlight for chameleons kept outdoors. For indoor chameleons, use a full-spectrum fluorescent tube. Keep in mind that UVB rays are filtered out by glass, so place the full spectrum light on top of the enclosure, with the closest perches positioned approximately 6-8 inches below. Follow manufacturers recommendations when it comes to replacing replacing these bulbs, as even though they still emit light, their UVB can wear out over time. Veiled chameleons, like other reptiles, regulate their own body temperature and it is important to provide them with a temperature gradient inside their enclosures. The best ambient temperature for veiled chameleons during the day is room temperature, between 72 and 80.F. By placing the heat bulb approximately 6-8 inches above a perch in the enclosure, a basking spot of approximately 85-95.F should be achieved. This results in the warmest temperatures directly under the heat bulb and the cooler temps lower down in the enclosure, so your chameleon can position itself wherever it feels most comfortable. They do well with a nigh time drop, so no additional heat source is needed at night as long as the enclosure temps are above the mid to high 40s and the chameleons are able to bask beneath the heat bulb in the morning. If your night temperatures do necessitate a heat source, it is important to use one that does not emit light, such as a ceramic heat emitter utilised from a safe distance away to avoid your chameleon getting burnt.
Veiled Chameleon Food
Veiled chameleons can be fed a staple diet of crickets that are as long as your chameleon’s head is wide. Baby and juvenile veiled chameleons should be fed once or twice a day, with almost constant access to food. As they get older, you can feed them slightly less often. Adults can be fed every other day. It is important to supplement your crickets with calcium and vitamins to help promote your veiled chameleon’s proper growth and health. This is especially important for breeding females and growing babies and juveniles. For babies and juveniles, dust their crickets with calcium two to three times a week and with vitamins once every two weeks. This dusting regimen can be decreased for adults. To make crickets more nutritious, which will ultimately benefit your veiled chameleon, gut-load them with nutritious foods such as collard greens, mustard greens, squash, and/or commercial cricket diets.
Veiled Chameleon Hydration
Being arboreal, veiled chameleons do not typically encounter standing water such as that found inside a water dish. As a result, they typically do not recognize dishes as a source of drinking water. They drink water from morning dew and rain that has fallen onto leaves, so it is important to mist your veiled chameleon enclosure with a spray bottle twice a day for approximately two minutes, including all the leaves and branches in the enclosure. Your chameleon will lap water up from the leaves. You can also purchase a drip system, which will allow water to slowly drip out of a water container over a period of time, spattering onto the leaves below.