Lamproeltis Getula Californiae
California kingsnakes are one of the most commonly kept pet snakes and for good reason, meting kingsnake requirements is easy when you prioritise health and wellness, quality husbandry and proper snake supplies. The California kingsnake is one of many subspecies of the common kingsnake. Kingsnakes range from coast to coast and north to south in all 48 contiguous United States. When a snake has this broad of a distribution, and lives in so many habitats and conditions, it is a good indicator that it will adapt easily to a life in captivity.

They are readily available in the pet trade, you can purchase them from pet shops, reptile shows and private breders.
California kingsnakes hatch from their eggs at 8-12 inches. Maximum adult size for this species is 6ft in length but their average size is 3-4 ft. They aren't a bulky or heavy snake so they can seem smaller than they actually are.
California kingsnakes often live for more than 20 years. Females often start to produce feritle eggs in their early teens.

Provide a water bowl/dish that is deep enough that when the bowl/dish is half filled the snake can soak, but not overflow the water. You want to keep the enclosure dry, if the humidity increases in the enclosure to the point where it looks and feels moist, then you should remove the water bowl and replace it with a shallow dish. Clean the water every 1-2 days and make sure fresh water iis offered daily.
Even though California kingsnake have been captive bred for generations, your snake is still wild by nature. Your new kingsnake might take a defensive stance and shake it's tail and strike at you. It may also defecate or urinate on you when you pick them up. This potential behaviour is natural, wild response to discourage you (a potential predator) from eating it. It is afraid and with regular, gentle handling then your snake should settle in and make a great pet. Hand over hand, staying away from the face, with gentle friction to slow forward progress, is the preferred method for beginning handling. Don't handle your snake when it's about to shed, or for 3-4 days after it has eaten. The way to detect when they're about to shed is their eyes go a milky bluish colour but after a few days they should clear up and the snake should crawl out of its old skin.