General description
Almost all species of stick insect has a body that isn't exactly designed for movement but they are expertly designed for camouflage. They have 6 legs and their body is divided into 3 segments- head, thorax and abdomen. They mostly eat bramble and they'll need a tall enclosure to allow them to moult successfully. They will need to be misted daily with water a heat mat will be needed.

With this species of stick insects, the adults females will be bright green and they are very large with a very wide body. Their wings are extremely short and lay on their back sort of like a cap. Whereas, the males are much longer and slender and their colours are more brown with beige in colour.

With these leaf species they use their round, flat bodies that are coloured with dark green and brown colouration to copy leaves. Some of the species of insects have their own individual spots and blotches that help them camouflage where as others can look like they're dead leaves..

When the thorny stick insect reaches adulthood they have a very spiky look about them. Whereas, when they're younger they're smooth. They have over time developed spikes to make it harder for their predators to eat them. Their colour can range from dark brown to a light brown to a little bit green. The males can reach a body length of 5cm where as a females will reach 8cm.

When this species reaches adulthood and is a female she will have a long and thin body. Her body should resemble wood and have a rough structure with a brown colour. Located on her head there should be two horns that are there to look like natural thorns on branches. These will also be located on her legs also and their sole purpose is to help her camouflage. Alternatively, the male is even thinner than the female but instead of having thorns his body will be smooth. His antennae will be longer than a females but both sexes bodies will reach the length of around 9cm.